Get Ready, Get Set, and Learn About Pack Walking Dogs

Did you know your four-legged best friend has a pack mentality? Most experts agree that dogs are descendants of the wolf, a social, wild animal that lives in packs. Because of this, the method of pack walking dogs has so many benefits. In this article we are going to dive into not only the benefits of pack walking dogs, but also learn more about what exactly does a pack mentality mean along with general tips for pack walking your dog.

Dogs and Their Pack Mentality

A pack is a group of animals that live and hunt together for survival. Research shows dogs were domesticated from the wild wolf over 20,000 years ago in Europe and Western Siberia. Dogs were the first domesticated animals, and have become men’s and women’s best friends throughout the years. Some traits of the wild wolf are still intact in your dog today, including their pack mentality. 

The behavior of wolves in a pack is determined by their different positions in the group. All packs designate one member as the alpha, known as the leader. The entire pack looks to the alpha dog for decision-making, protection, and leadership. This pack mentality format can be seen in your own household, whether you have one dog or three dogs. 

When you bring a dog into your home, the entire human family becomes part of their pack. Your dog will acknowledge a leader, and look to the alpha in your home for guidance, protection, and more. Knowing the pack mentality of dogs can aid in the early stages of training your furry best friend. 

why dogs are pack animals
why dogs are pack animals

Dog Training and the Pack Mentality

Bringing a new puppy into your home requires training, and when training, Latchkey Pets recommends familiarizing your puppy to what leadership will look like in your household. Your dog will need to know his place, limits, and rules of the home. Teaching your dog the necessary guidelines and rules of the home will help make your role in their life clear. 

Oftentimes, dog owners may not discipline their new four-legged family members because of the fear of scaring the dog. On the contrary, canines need rules, guidelines, education, and companionship for them to feel secure and comfortable. Dog training and leash training come hand in hand. Teach your pet the basics of walking on the leash, and then start introducing them to other dogs. In no time, your dog will be ready for pack walks. 

Dog Pack Walking and the Benefits

Because of the dog’s pack animal characteristics and tendencies, dog pack walking offers many benefits. Dog pack walking is recommended by veterinarians, rescue workers, and canine experts for a reason.

What is dog pack walking?

Dog pack walking is an organized, structured dog walk with two or more canine companions. Considering dogs’ wild ancestor, the wolf traveled in packs for hundreds and hundreds of miles, it is no surprise that dogs instinctively adapt to walking together. Remember, it is important to follow the correct steps when starting a pack walk or introducing your pet to a pack walk for the first time. Building a positive foundation of the dogs’ interaction is so important for a successful pack walk.

dog pack walking and the benefits
dog pack walking tips

Steps for a Successful Pack Walk

  1. Dog owners should take the time to leash train their dog before embarking on an adventure with other canines. Latchkey Pet’s leash training tips are just a click away. Check them out here
  2. Next, find a dog-friendly area to meet and start the walk. Many dogs can be territorial, and meeting in a neutral environment is the best way to begin dog pack walking.
  3. Dogs should always be leashed when joining the group. Latchkey Pets recommends a standard, non-retractable leash less than 6ft long. Leashes keep the dogs from bolting and charging. 
  4. Start the walk with humans in the middle and dogs on the outside. By creating a physical bunker, this allows dogs to smell and get acquainted with one another without the risk of physical touch. 
  5. As the walk continues, slowly ease the dogs closer to one another as they grow more comfortable with each other. Take notice of certain dogs that seem to not get along splendidly, and place those dogs accordingly. 
  6. After the walk is finished, praise and congratulate your dog on the successful pack walk with words or treats when you are away from the group.
steps to have a successful pack walk
why pack walks are beneficial

Benefits of Pack Walking Dogs

Pack walks offer multiple benefits, and with dog training and the proper steps to introducing your dog to a pack walk, this dog walking method is sure to be a success. 

Pack walking provides an opportunity for dogs to fulfill their natural instincts to travel in a pack. The pack walking method allows dogs to build a bond with other dogs in a safe, comfortable environment. Pack walking dogs is an excellent source of exercise and gives your dog the mental stimulation they need to burn excess energy. 

Extremely anxious and nervous dogs can benefit from pack walks as well. Anxious dogs can come out of their shell and may start to feel a sense of comradery with other canines. By following the correct, precautionary steps prior to your pack walk, get ready for your four-legged friends to enjoy a pack walk more than almost anything.  

Final Barks on Pack Walking Dogs

Latchkey Pets recommends giving the pack walking a try if you haven’t already. Options for pack walks include joining a dog walking group, connecting with other dog owner friends and starting your own group, or hiring the quality daytime dog walking services like Latchkey Pets to walk your dog during the day. 

Pack walks offer so many benefits, and if your dog experiences stress, separation anxiety, or just has too much energy when you get home from work, consider dog walking services near you. Your four-legged companion will thank you for the exercise, social interaction, and the new sights and smells the dog may experience during the walk. What are you waiting for? Contact Latchkey Pets today for the best dog walking services in Lee’s Summit, MO. 

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Jeanna Ruehter