How To Keep Your Pet Sitter and Pet Safe

As pet owners, it is our responsibility to ensure that our pets are safe and secure with the pet sitters we leave them with. We will baby-proof a home with a young one around, and we must do the same for our pets to ensure they are always safe when we are not able to watch them directly. You may be the family to a tiny kitten or a very large dog.

Regardless of the size, you want them to be safe at all times. Of course, you want your pet-sitter to be just as safe as well. With that in mind, we have listed our top tips for keeping your home as safe as possible for your pets and the pet-sitter. 

Tips for Making the House Pet Safe

Keep Food Out Of Reach 

One of the easiest ways to help keep your pets safe is to ensure all food is out of their reach. By simply placing food into the fridge and cupboards, you will ensure they are not able to get into any food that could be harmful to them. Too much human food is not safe for your pet, and furthermore, there are a number of tasty foods that are actually toxic to your pets and can result in extreme illness or death. 

Some of the more common foods that are dangerous to cats and dogs include grapes, raisins, chocolate, garlic, and onions. By no means is this a conclusive list. There are many more foods that are quite dangerous to your pets health. Keep in mind that typical spices such as onion powder and garlic powder can be potentially toxic. If you believe that your pet may have consumed some form of toxic food, it is essential to contact an emergency vet as soon as possible.

keeping food safe from pets

Cover Your Garbage Pail 

We all know that pets love a full garbage can. While it is a true hassle to clean up their party, it is also quite hazardous to your pet. Chicken bones are one of the more dangerous threats found in a garbage can as they can splinter while in the stomach and intestines. There are also a number of other choking hazards lying in the trash can. 

For instance, coffee grinds are a potential hazard for pets if they are eaten. Pets have been known to even eat napkins, styrofoam, and tissues which can lead to swollen bellies. It is essential to ensure that all of your garbage pails are animal-proof, properly covered and kept out of reach when your pet is home alone. In many cases, it is best to place your main kitchen trash can outdoors away from your tempted pet. 

Keep Dangerous Materials Out Of Reach 

There are many dangers lurking around the house that we would never think of, such as cleaning supplies and chemicals which can lead to the death of a beloved pet if ingested. In addition, it is important to realize how dangerous medications can be around pets. With that in mind, it is essential that all dangerous and hazardous items are properly stored and locked away from pets. If you feel as though your pet may have ingested a dangerous material, you must get them to an emergency vet immediately.

Stash Wires And Cords 

Cables, wires, and curtain cords can all pose a choking hazard for your pets. To ensure the safety of your pets, you want to make sure that all dangling wires and cords are kept out of reach. 

Be Mindful Of Houseplants 

While plants are a nice addition to the home, they can be toxic to your pets. Many cats and dogs love to nibble on leaves, so it is essential to know which houseplants are toxic before you bring them into the home. A few of the more common toxic houseplants include poinsettias, snake plants, jade plants, peace lilies, pothos, and aloe vera. These plants can lead to diarrhea, vomiting, burning of the mouth, and lethargy. It is best to keep any and all plants out of the reach of pets or simply enjoy artificial plants. 

pet safety tips on house plants

The Use Of Childproof Latches 

Once a pet figures out how to open drawers and cabinets, life is going to get a lot more complicated for you. They are going to start getting a lot more nosey when you are not there to stop them. Cats can easily slide open drawers with their paws, and dogs generally open cabinets with their snouts to take a peak at what they might be missing. In any case, it is better to stop that behavior before it begins by using childproof latches on any drawers or cupboards that contain food, chemicals, or cleaning solutions that your pet should not have easy access to. 

Secure Furniture To The Wall 

We all know how cats love to jump through the house and on to furniture. You may want to consider securing furniture to the walls, especially anything that may not be very stable. You never can be too sure to know just when your cat is going to decide to take on that very unstable shelf and end up crashing to the floor, possibly breaking your belongings and injuring itself. 

Keeping Chairs Tucked In 

This one sounds so simple, yet few people do it. Keeping chairs tucked under the table is a great way to keep your pets safe. This is going to prevent them easy access to jumping up onto counters and the table, especially if there is food readily available.

Screens On Windows 

We all have heard about a cat’s ability to land on its feet. However, you do not want to give them the chance. It is best to ensure that all windows are properly screened to ensure they have no way to fall or escape. This is especially true if you are living in an apartment building, even if you are living on the lower floors. 

window screens pet safety

Tips for Making The House Pet Sitter Safe

Installing An Alarm System 

If you are going to have a pet-sitter look after your pet, they may feel safer with an alarm system present. This is especially true if you plan to be gone for an extended stay, and an alarm system is going to ensure the safety of your property as well as keep your pet sitter safe.

Leave A Full List Of Instructions 

You will always want to leave a detailed set of instructions and information about the pet and house for the pet-sitter. Simple instructions can be on the operation of the heating and cooling, alarm instruction, emergency contact phone numbers, specific eating instructions for the pet, their exercise routine, daily walks, medications, or anything else that might be of importance. This one simple task is going to provide a much more comfortable and safe environment for your pets and sitter. 

Emergency Contact Information 

You want to ensure that your pet sitter is going to have emergency contact information not only for you but an emergency vet and your normal vet. Leave the phone number in an area that is easily accessible such as by the door or on the fridge. It is also a good idea to leave this information with a close friend or trusted neighbor, just in case your pet-sitter is unable to reach you directly. 

tips for keeping pet sitter safe

Check In On A Regular Basis 

To make your pet-sitter feel more comfortable in your home, it is a good idea to keep in contact with them. In fact, you may actually want to touch base on a daily basis to find out how your pets are doing and ask them if they need anything to be more comfortable. This is going to make your pet-sitter feel more comfortable and in doing so, so will your pets. This becomes a win-win scenario.

Latchkey Pets Pet Sitting Services

In order to keep your pet safe, you want to hire a pet sitter you can trust. At Latchkey Pets, we provide exceptional pet sitting services. If you would rather not board your pet, Latchkey Pets is the team to call. Our services include pet care in your home, 3 to 5 visits per day, at least 1 walk per day, and consistent communication with owners. We are here to keep your pet safe and happy while you can’t be there! Contact Latchkey Pets today to learn more! 

Posted in

Jeanna Ruehter


  1. […] for your pets and cares for our dog walkers and pet sitters. We have the top tips to keep both your pet safe and the pet sitter safe when you go away. Safety is of the utmost importance, and we are here to […]